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Thursday, December 17, 2009


Remember when you were a kid and your parents would tell you to look both ways before crossing the street?

Now that you have grown up and started trading/investing, you need to look at both tops and bottoms.

Sorry about that. I need to get my blog out of the gutter.

I have already marked the top for NEM in my confidence post here and my
wine post here

What I have failed to identify is the bottom.

I got excited with 21% profit and was too quick to take it.
Had I done my homework, then I would have sold it here.

or here

In conclusion, hindsight is 20/10 because I would have not blogged about this had NEM gone the other way. Just so you know, those NEM Jan50 puts were up 90% today.

I will give you my short opinion on RIMM over the weekend.

P.S. This is exactly why I don't post watch list of 20+ stocks because you cannot effectively and efficiently manage them all.