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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Worth It?

Click on title to read.

Look at the professionals charging a nice amount of money.

But when put to the test, they performed miserably.

Remember, in a bull market, even a chimp can make you money.

It's the performance of a bear market that makes a huge difference.

If you want to pay somone to lose your money, then pay me.

I won't do a good job at it.

2 comments: said...

if you decide to play the 100k game ( as per the link you posted),
may I suggest to you to put 33% into SLX and 33% into MOO and 33% into PBW...and walk away...
you might not win, but surely, you will be in the top ten....

Unknown said...

That is not a bad idea.

Let me see if I can sign up for that.