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All opinions expressed on this site are those of the author and may contain errors (I make mistakes) or omissions (I am not telling the whole truth).

!Thank You!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Position

I did not do much tradings in October but closed out some opened positions.

Hard for me to keep eyes on AAPL; hence, I will have open order to start 1/10 position at 555.

May be roll the dice with some CALL options. With APPL options, I learned to take your profit quick. I also tweeted about putting cash to work from 401k, family plans I managed.

There's plenty of cash; hence, I am not worried if the market continues to dive.

Good Luck and I can only post trades near real time during the first hour of the market.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Position

SINA position was called away.

From my experience or lack of it, protections provide limited downside and prevent unlimited upside.

With that said, I am still selling covered calls to generate income for range bound stocks.

2012/03/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70
2012/09/14 SOLD   FCX 43.55 (HALF) (Corrected to SOLD from BOUGHT)

2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20
2012/05/04 BOUGHT CLF 58.90
2012/06/28 BOUGHT CLF 46.10
2012/05/08 BOUGHT ANR 13.80 #ESA
2012/05/15 BOUGHT ANR 12.70 #ENT

Please reference comment sections for any trades not carried over.


Monday, September 3, 2012

September Position

Word of advice, don't let anyone influece your trades without good reasons. As an example, my LULU trade was good, but with bad influece, I was not able to capitialize fully.

August trading was jsut average with some profit on AAPL long and sold to soon again (story of life). Made some milk money short SPY and loss some tax money on FIO and BVN.

Bias is still short but careful and selective.

2012/03/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70
2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20
2012/05/04 BOUGHT CLF 58.90
2012/05/08 BOUGHT ANR 13.80 #ESA
2012/05/15 BOUGHT ANR 12.70 #ENT

2012/06/28 BOUGHT CLF 46.10

2012/04/19 BOUGHT OXY 88.68
2012/04/27 S May 04, 2012 92.50C 1.10 (Expired)
2012/05/04 BASIS OXY 87.58
2012/06/07 S Jun 16, 2012 87.50C 1.05 (Expired)
2012/06/07 BASIS OXY 86.53
2012/07/03 S Jul 21, 2012 $90C 1.20 (Expired)
2012/07/03 BASIS OXY 85.33 

2012/08/07 S Sep 22, 2012 $90C 2.50
2012/08/07 BASIS OXY 82.83

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60
SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS SODA 39.30
2012/05/10 S May 19 37.50C 1.30
2012/05/10 BASIS SODA 38
2012/06/22 S Jul 21, 2012 40C 1.10
2012/06/22 BASIS SODA 36.90
2012/08/02 S Aug 18, 2012 $45C 2.25
2012/08/02 BASIS SODA 34.64

2012/05/30 B SINA 54.25
2012/06/07 S Jun 16, 2012 57.50C 1.05
2012/05/07 BASIS SINA 53.20
2012/06/22 S Jun 29, 2012 55C 1.20
2012/06/22 BASIS SINA 52 

2012/08/07 S Sep 22, 2012 $52.50C 3.10
2012/08/07 BASIS SINA 48.90
Pending a market meltdown, SINA will get called for 6.85% profit.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

August Position

Ever hear news on the television about miners in trapped in coals mines? That's what it feels like with positions in CLF and ANR. 
It may turn around, it may not, and it may takes year. 

Some accounts don't have options trading; hence, not able to sell covered calls for all positions.

2012/03/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70
2012/03/23 BOUGHT FIO 29.1999 
2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20
2012/05/04 BOUGHT CLF 58.90
2012/05/08 BOUGHT ANR 13.80 #ESA
2012/05/15 BOUGHT ANR 12.70 #ENT

2012/06/28 BOUGHT CLF 46.10

07/12/2012 B AAPL 597 #ESA

OXY has been a great position for selling covered calls and receiving dividends at the same time.

2012/04/19 BOUGHT OXY 88.68
2012/04/27 SOLD OXY May 4, 2012 92.50 Call 1.10 
2012/05/04 BASIS OXY 87.58
2012/06/07 S June 16, 2012 87.50C 1.05 (Expired)
2012/06/07 BASIS OXY 86.53
2012/07/03 S July 21, 2012 $90 Call 1.20 (Expired)
2012/07/03 BASIS OXY 85.33 

SODA has been giving me the opportunity to lower my basis because of the volatility.

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60
SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS SODA 39.30
2012/05/10 SOLD May 19 37.50C 1.30
2012/05/10 BASIS SODA 38
2012/06/22 S July 21, 2012 40C 1.10
2012/06/22 BASIS SODA 36.90 
2012/08/02 S August 18, 2012 $45C 2.25
2012/08/02 BASIS SODA 34.64

2012/05/30 B SINA 54.25
2012/06/07 S June 16, 2012 57.50C 1.05
2012/05/07 BASIS SINA 53.20
2012/06/22 S June 29, 2012 55C 1.20
2012/06/22 BASIS SINA 52 

07/31/2012 B LULU 57.25
07/31/2012 S Aug032012 57.50C 1.20
07/31/2012 BASIS LULU 56.05

I would have sold at 22 had I been around.
08/03/2012 B FB 20.05

Going forward, you will find all the detailed transactions in the comments section. 
It's time consuming going back and updating the post.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July Positions

Happy July Everyone!

Managing to generate income and lower basis using covered calls. The downside, for me, with using covered  calls is losing opportunity for a nice gain. One can always buy the stock back, but I have not trained myself to this yet.

2012/06/28 B CLF 46.10
2012/06/29 S CLF 48.92

2012/06/29 SS LNKD 106.45
2012/07/06 CS LNKD 109.40


2012/03/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70
2012/03/23 BOUGHT FIO 29.1999
2012/05/04 BOUGHT CLF 58.90

2012/04/19 BOUGHT OXY 88.682012/04/27
SOLD OXY May 4, 2012 92.50 Call 1.100
2012/05/04 BASIS OXY 87.58
2012/06/07 S June 16, 2012 87.50C 1.05 (Expired)
2012/06/07 BASIS OXY 86.53
2012/07/03 S July 21, 2012 $90 Call 1.20 (Expired)
2012/07/03 BASIS OXY 85.33

2012/05/30 B SINA 54.25
2012/06/07 S June 16, 2012 57.50C 1.05
2012/05/07 BASIS SINA 53.20
2012/06/22 S June 29, 2012 55C 1.20
2012/06/22 BASIS SINA 52

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60
SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS SODA 39.30
2012/05/10 SOLD May 19 37.50C 1.30
2012/05/10 BASIS SODA 38
2012/06/22 S July 21, 2012 40C 1.10
2012/06/22 BASIS SODA 36.90

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June Position

Glad May is over but summer is not going to be easy either.

When going fishing, there's always a chance of catching nothing, catching a boot, and catching a nice fish. Fishing requires patience.

2012/06/01 B AAPL 562
2012/06/09 S AAPL 572

2012/05/09 B GMCR 26.50
2012/06/04 S GMCR 22.05

2012/06/08 B BBY 19.75 - below 19.25 get out.
2012/06/15 S BBY 20.20

2012/05/21 BOUGHT CLF 49.20
2012/06/20 SOLD CLF 51.83

2012/06/14 B POT 37.75
2012/06/15 SOLD POT June 22, 2012 $38 Call 1.05
2012/06/22 S POT 38

2012/06/18 SHORT LNKD 103.10 risk 3-5%
2012/06/28 COVER LNKD 104.10


2012/03/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70

2012/03/23 BOUGHT FIO 29.1999

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60
SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS SODA 39.30
2012/05/10 SOLD May 19 37.50C 1.30
2012/05/10 BASIS SODA 38
2012/06/22 S July 21, 2012 40C 1.10
2012/06/22 BASIS SODA 36.90

2012/04/19 BOUGHT OXY 88.68
2012/04/27 SOLD OXY May 4, 2012 92.50 Call 1.100
2012/05/04 BASIS OXY 87.58
2012/06/07 S June 16, 2012 87.50C 1.05
2012/06/07 BASIS OXY 86.53

2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20

2012/05/04 BOUGHT CLF 58.90
2012/06/28 B CLF 46.10

2012/05/08 BOUGHT ANR 13.80 #ESA
2012/05/15 BOUGHT ANR 12.70 #ENT

2012/05/30 B SINA 54.25
2012/06/07 S June 16, 2012 57.50C 1.05
2012/05/07 BASIS SINA 53.20
2012/06/22 S June 29, 2012 55C 1.20
2012/06/22 BASIS SINA 52

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MAY Position

2012/04/27 BOUGHT YELP 21.50
2012/05/01 SOLD   YELP 22.92

2012/04/18 BOUGHT SINA 59.90 #ROTH
2012/05/02 SOLD   SINA 60.40

2012/05/01 SHORT CMG 418.80
2012/05/04 COVER CMG 410.13 got robbed

2012/05/01 SHORT LULU 75.25
2012/05/04 COVER  LULU 80.00

2012/03/23 BOUGHT SINA 69.25
2012/05/16 SOLD   SINA 57.88

2012/03/07 SHORT CRM 142.50
2012/05/08 COVER CRM 147.24

2012/04/20 BOUGHT UPL 18.90
2012/05/10 SOLD   UPL 21.14

2012/05/22 SHORT  CRM 149.00 GAMBLE short 149 for 3 pts risk
2012/05/24 COVER  CRM 147.50

2012/05/14 BOUGHT BVN 36.90 GET OUT CLOSE BELOW 35
2012/05/29 SOLD BVN 38.80

2012/13/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60

SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS SODA 39.30

2012/05/10 SOLD May 19 37.50C 1.30
2012/05/10 BASIS SODA  38

2012/04/19 BOUGHT OXY 88.68
2012/04/27 SOLD   OXY May 4, 2012 92.50 Call 1.100

2012/05/04 BASIS  OXY 87.58

2012/03/23 BOUGHT FIO 29.1999

2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20

2012/05/04 BOUGHT CLF 58.90
2012/05/21 BOUGHT CLF 49.20

2012/05/09 BOUGHT GMCR 26.50
2012/05/08 BOUGHT ANR 13.80 #ESA
2012/05/15 BOUGHT ANR 12.70 #ENT

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Don't Look Back

The hardest part of trading is to not look back and it's hard because I am human.
For me, my weakness, as I have been told, is that I am too hard on myself.
I need to learn and let go, live and forgive.

This as affected my trading, especially in AAPL.
I never defined the trade - swing or day.

Making the first trade bying APR540p, I was hopeful.
After taking the loss, I was fearful.

My emotion has gotten the best of me and this is my lesson learned.

Those APR630p purchased at 8.45 is now trading at 69 on Apr 24, 2012 open (little salt added).

Sunday, April 8, 2012

APR Position

2012/04/04 BOUGHT ANR 14.87 for ROTH account.
2012/04/12 SOLD   ANR 15.95

2012/04/16 SHORT LULU 75.00
2012/04/16 COVER LULU 72.80

2012/04/17 SHORT AAPL 594.00
2012/04/10 COVER AAPL 598.12

2012/04/20 BOUGHT AAPL - OH CRAP! I bought $AAPL SMALL at 575 #ESA
2012/04/25 SOLD   AAPL 612.250

2012/03/27 SHORT CRM 157 - ALL OUT on close above 160
2012/04/25 COVER CRM 149.40

2012/04/13 BOUGHT VECO 28.50
2012/04/30 SOLD   VECO 30.70

2012/04/26 SHORT CMG 415.90
2012/04/30 COVER CMG 415.34
2012/03/07 SHORT CRM 142.50

2012/13/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60 & SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS SODA 39.30

2012/03/23 BOUGHT SINA 69.25
2012/04/18 BOUGHT SINA 59.90 #ROTH

2012/04/19 BOUGHT OXY 88.68
2012/04/27 SOLD   OXY May 4, 2012 92.50 Call 1.100

2012/03/23 BOUGHT FIO 29.1999
2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20
2012/04/20 BOUGHT UPL 18.90 #UTMA
2012/04/27 BOUGHT YELP 21.50

Monday, March 5, 2012

The One Percent Crumb

I want to debunk the myth that making 1% is just crumbs.
It's not crumb if you are able to compound the investment.

I took a random distribution of 3 values 0,1,2.
If there resulting value is 0, then the trade is a 0.5% loss; otherwise, the trade is a 1% win. No one wins 100% of the time,right?

If a trade is a win 2 out of 3, then the percentage should be 67% win. However, in a random distribution that may not always be the case. In the example I have provided, the win is 72.33%,

This means that if you start an account with $10,000 you would end up with $57,154.95 after completing 300 trades. That's a 500% plus ROI.

Hence, making 1% profit is not crumbs if one can consistently do it.

Here is the link to data

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MAR positions

2012/02/29 SHORT IWM 82.75
2012/03/01 COVER IWM 81.60

2012/03/02 SHORT SINA 74.85
2012/03/05 COVER SINA 73.48

2012/03/02 SHORT CRM 143.91
2012/03/06 COVER CRM 140.78

2012/03/08 BOUGHT CLF 60.60
2012/03/12 SOLD CLF 64.05

2012/03/05 BOUGHT LNKD 87.07
2012/03/05 SOLD LNKD 91.30

2012/03/08 SHORT APPL 535.65
2012/03/13 COVER AAPL 567.90

2012/03/09 SHORT SINA 76.85 ADD
2012/03/16 COVER SINA 71.75

2012/03/21 BOUGHT GMCR 53.35
2012/03/22 SOLD GMCR 54.95

2012/03/01 BOUGHT UPL 24.70
2012/03/23 SOLD UPL 23.2001

2012/03/06 SHORT SINA 69.60
2012/03/06 COVER SINA 67.34 HALF position
2012/03/23 COVER SINA 69.19

2012/03/02 BOUGHT BIDU 140.900 SOLD MAR140C 4.100 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS BIDU 136.80
2012/03/19 SOLD BIDU MAR140C (weekly Mar 23) 0.95 against long position.
2012/03/26 SOLD BIDU 140 ASSIGNED

2012/03/23 BOUGHT NEM 53.08
2012/03/26 SOLD NEM 53.390

2012/03/21 BOUGHT YELP 23.20
2012/03/28 SOLD YELP 24.55


2012/03/07 SHORT CRM 142.50
2012/03/27 SHORT CRM 157 - ALL OUT on close above 160

2012/13/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60 & SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/06/16 BASIS SODA 39.30

2012/03/23 BOUGHT SINA 69.25
2012/03/23 BOUGHT FIO 29.1999
2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

FEB positions

There is none and I will post them as I trade them.

2012/02/04 SHORT LNKD@79.66 3% risk on this one for now.
2012/02/06 COVER LNDK@78.80

2012/02/07 BOUGHT SOHU@51.5099
2012/02/08 SOLD SOHU@53.10

2012/02/08 BOUGHT SINA@65.00
2012/02/14 SOLD SINA@69.30

2012/02/13 SHORT APPL@503
2012/02/15 SHORT APPL@515.80
2012/02/15 COVER AAPL@517.20

My timing was literally off by a few hours. This one hurt.

2012/02/10 SHORT LNKD@84.10
2012/02/10 COVER LNKD@95

2012/02/07 BOUGHT FIO@25
2012/02/22 SOLD FIO 26.95

2012/02/07 SHORT IWM@82.25
2012/02/22 COVER IWM 82.20

2012/02/17 BOUGHT FSLR 43.80
2012/02/23 SOLD FSLR 37.99

2012/02/21 BOUGHT AEM 35.95
2012/02/24 SOLD AEM 37.440

2012/02/23 BOUGHT MCP 29.14
2012/02/2 SOLD MCP 28.28

2012/02/21 BOUGHT LNKD@95
2012/02/27 SOLD LNKD 89.51 Double Whammy for me on this trade. Lesson learned.

2012/02/21 BOUGHT SINA@67.65
2012/02/28 SOLD SINA 70.75

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60 & SOLD Mar42.50C 5.50
2012/02/29 SHORT IWM 82.75

Sunday, January 1, 2012

JAN positions

All executed and tweeted trades will be posted.

When fishing and the fish bite, executions will be tweeted and posted before the next day.

2011/12/31 BOUGHT SINA@51.20
2012/01/04 SOLD SINA@53.79

2012/01/03 SHORT SPY hedge 128.10
2012/01/04 COVER SPY@127.21

2012/01/04 BOUGHT SOHU@51
2012/01/12 SOLD SOHU@53.62 (half)
2012/01/18 SOLD SOHU@57

2012/01/06 SHORT MCD@100.60
2012/01/24 COVER MCD@99.69 (half)
2012/01/25 COVER MCD@99.36

2012/01/23 BOUGHT SDS@17.52
2012/01/24 SOLD SDS@17.80

2012/01/26 SHORT SPY@133.35
2012/01/26 COVER SPY@133.07

2012/01/27 BOUGHT GMCR@50.60
2012/02/01 SOLD GMCR@52.95