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Monday, September 3, 2012

September Position

Word of advice, don't let anyone influece your trades without good reasons. As an example, my LULU trade was good, but with bad influece, I was not able to capitialize fully.

August trading was jsut average with some profit on AAPL long and sold to soon again (story of life). Made some milk money short SPY and loss some tax money on FIO and BVN.

Bias is still short but careful and selective.

2012/03/16 BOUGHT FCX 38.70
2012/03/28 BOUGHT GLW 14.20
2012/05/04 BOUGHT CLF 58.90
2012/05/08 BOUGHT ANR 13.80 #ESA
2012/05/15 BOUGHT ANR 12.70 #ENT

2012/06/28 BOUGHT CLF 46.10

2012/04/19 BOUGHT OXY 88.68
2012/04/27 S May 04, 2012 92.50C 1.10 (Expired)
2012/05/04 BASIS OXY 87.58
2012/06/07 S Jun 16, 2012 87.50C 1.05 (Expired)
2012/06/07 BASIS OXY 86.53
2012/07/03 S Jul 21, 2012 $90C 1.20 (Expired)
2012/07/03 BASIS OXY 85.33 

2012/08/07 S Sep 22, 2012 $90C 2.50
2012/08/07 BASIS OXY 82.83

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60
SOLD MAR42.50C 5.50 (Expired)
2012/03/16 BASIS SODA 39.30
2012/05/10 S May 19 37.50C 1.30
2012/05/10 BASIS SODA 38
2012/06/22 S Jul 21, 2012 40C 1.10
2012/06/22 BASIS SODA 36.90
2012/08/02 S Aug 18, 2012 $45C 2.25
2012/08/02 BASIS SODA 34.64

2012/05/30 B SINA 54.25
2012/06/07 S Jun 16, 2012 57.50C 1.05
2012/05/07 BASIS SINA 53.20
2012/06/22 S Jun 29, 2012 55C 1.20
2012/06/22 BASIS SINA 52 

2012/08/07 S Sep 22, 2012 $52.50C 3.10
2012/08/07 BASIS SINA 48.90
Pending a market meltdown, SINA will get called for 6.85% profit.