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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

FEB positions

There is none and I will post them as I trade them.

2012/02/04 SHORT LNKD@79.66 3% risk on this one for now.
2012/02/06 COVER LNDK@78.80

2012/02/07 BOUGHT SOHU@51.5099
2012/02/08 SOLD SOHU@53.10

2012/02/08 BOUGHT SINA@65.00
2012/02/14 SOLD SINA@69.30

2012/02/13 SHORT APPL@503
2012/02/15 SHORT APPL@515.80
2012/02/15 COVER AAPL@517.20

My timing was literally off by a few hours. This one hurt.

2012/02/10 SHORT LNKD@84.10
2012/02/10 COVER LNKD@95

2012/02/07 BOUGHT FIO@25
2012/02/22 SOLD FIO 26.95

2012/02/07 SHORT IWM@82.25
2012/02/22 COVER IWM 82.20

2012/02/17 BOUGHT FSLR 43.80
2012/02/23 SOLD FSLR 37.99

2012/02/21 BOUGHT AEM 35.95
2012/02/24 SOLD AEM 37.440

2012/02/23 BOUGHT MCP 29.14
2012/02/2 SOLD MCP 28.28

2012/02/21 BOUGHT LNKD@95
2012/02/27 SOLD LNKD 89.51 Double Whammy for me on this trade. Lesson learned.

2012/02/21 BOUGHT SINA@67.65
2012/02/28 SOLD SINA 70.75

2012/02/27 BOUGHT SODA 44.60 & SOLD Mar42.50C 5.50
2012/02/29 SHORT IWM 82.75