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!Thank You!

Monday, March 28, 2011


02/28 B@27.80 #ROTH
03/28 Sold APR29C $1

04/18 B@39.90 #FC

04/21 B@8.40 #UTMA

04/29 $FSLR S@142.62, 04/27 B@137.90 #IB

03/29 S@20.20, 03/28 B@23.60 #ROLL (Hope this does not haunt me)

03/30 S@59.00, 03/21 B@55.850 #ENTRIQ

04/04 Cover @41.65, 04/04 Short @42.70 #SCHW

04/05 S@45.00, 04/05 B@42.30 #SCHW

04/06 Cover @43.348 , 04/06 Short @42.90 #SCHW

New Rule: No Double Dipping.

04/08 S@47.00, 02/17 B@47.50 #ENTRIQ

04/08 S@45.99, 02/17 B@42.39 #ROTH

04/08 S@44.60, 03/29 started position at $41.900 #ROLL

04/12 S@22.151, 04/11 B@21.72 #SCHW
Wrong price posted in comments.

04/16 S@35.46, 04/07 B@33.45 #ENT

04/18 S@15.45, 04/07 B@16.2392 #FC

04/20 S@76.01 B@74.80 #IB

04/21 CS@349.54, 04/21 SS@354.06 #IB
04/26 CS@352.75, 04/26 SS@351.85 #IB