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Friday, February 5, 2010


Read, Learn, Apply are important processes.

Which I why I don't like writing five paragraphs blog.
The shorter and simpler I make it the easier for you to Read, Learn and Apply.

Sometimes I don't learn what I read; other times, I don't apply what I learn.

Here are some options Greek for you to read-learn-apply.

How Well Do You Know Your Vega?

Delta and Gamma: How Options Move with Stock - Part 1

Delta and Gamma: How Options Move with Stock - Part 2

Delta and Gamma: How Options Move with Stock - Part 3

After you are done, scroll down to take a break.

UPDATED: Here's something that you can apply.

Sign up for SunTrust Checking and get $150.

I did. Disclosure: I do not receive any compensation what so ever for this.