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All opinions expressed on this site are those of the author and may contain errors (I make mistakes) or omissions (I am not telling the whole truth).

!Thank You!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


My trades have been really bad lately.
I don't think you would be interested in that.

However, may be you can help me decide, two tones or not.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


OOPS! Wrong link.

Watch SFO Webinar Archive

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I have often commented that it's worthless unless you can mine the data.

Here is a good example.

I subscribe to many feeds and often don't have the time to read them all

Even if I don't read them, the data are still there.

I have been shorting BIDU and wanted to know if there are any news out there as to why this pig flies.

Searching the news feed provided limited information, but nice to know.

If they show up at your door and you don't know how to entertain them, isn't it worthless?

You get the picture?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pigs Fly

Note to self.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

BaiLing BaiDu

My obsession with BaiLing BaiDu.

Disclosure: Own Bai Ling P at 13.50 in March.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I was looking at the following charts, not knowing bullish or bearish.

Took out my crystal ball and asked, "Is this is a reversal to the upside?"

Got a response, "MAYBE"

Asked another question, "Can the lows be tested again?"

Got another response, "MAYBE"







At this point, I am thinking the crystal ball must be broken because all the responses were "MAYBE".

Then I asked, "I think she is thinking about me, can you give me her number so that I can call her?"

The response was, "Definitely not, you're married and would be in a lot of trouble."

Crystal ball is not broken.

FYI: All those charts are from my bullish screen.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chuc Mung Nam Moi

I'll be back on Monday with a few bullish chart.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


What does your instinct tells you and do you listen?

BIDU stock day range
BIDU Mar480P day range
BIDU hypothetical price
Fighting my instinct (scared to be wrong)
BIDU Mar480P


I have been asked if trading has been more difficult more me lately.
The answer is definitely yes because the market has been stuck.
Here's what I have been looking at?
It could very be that I am been looking at the wrong thing.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Mila Kunis: Exclusive Esquire Video of a Woman We Love

Something for you to watch if market gets boring.

VXX chart

Love to pick some up again. Let it come to you, but then it might not.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Ugly is in the eyes of the beholder.


Friday, February 5, 2010


Read, Learn, Apply are important processes.

Which I why I don't like writing five paragraphs blog.
The shorter and simpler I make it the easier for you to Read, Learn and Apply.

Sometimes I don't learn what I read; other times, I don't apply what I learn.

Here are some options Greek for you to read-learn-apply.

How Well Do You Know Your Vega?

Delta and Gamma: How Options Move with Stock - Part 1

Delta and Gamma: How Options Move with Stock - Part 2

Delta and Gamma: How Options Move with Stock - Part 3

After you are done, scroll down to take a break.

UPDATED: Here's something that you can apply.

Sign up for SunTrust Checking and get $150.

I did. Disclosure: I do not receive any compensation what so ever for this.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


It's a mistake not remembering the resistance and support numbers.

It's one that I have made on several occasions.

Don't do it.

For the weekend I will post some links on options.

Was going to do today, but ended up working.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I know it's a bottom. But is it The Bottom?

In the mean time, go read Debt: What Is and What Should Never Be