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Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I am planning to sell the rally and take profit on some of the stocks I own: VMW, RIMM, AGU, MELI, etc...

I normally don't like to pound my own chest, but I just feel compelled to do it time.

fortune8 —01/07/2008 07:13 PM with 3 points

I think STP can close below 70 by options expiration. As a matter of fact, put in 25% BUY STP @ 66

At the same time, I don't like to cherry pick either.

So you all know that I took a loss on CIEN(c), VMW(c), AKS, SIGM.

I am still holding SIGM for longterm and looking to buy back SYNA.

I decided to buy AGU,MELI AH. Just looking at the charts, it is hovering around 21ema.