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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Trade Trigger

My active trade trigger:

If IWM's bid increases to 80 then buy 100 shares of TWM at market on SmartEx and beep. This conditional order will remain active for up to 60 days and may trigger as a result of a stock split or other corporate actions.

Take a look at the chart.


80 may be too early as IWM may hit 82. But it's close enough already.

12/10/2007 - Modified

If IWM's bid increases to 82 then buy 100 shares of TWM at market on SmartEx and beep. This conditional order will remain active for up to 60 days and may trigger as a result of a stock split or other corporate actions.


barkingdognyc said...

did you dump your SNDK shares? I bought calls and held onto them, fingers crossed.

Unknown said...


You won't believe this, but I got stopped out at 38. The rally should have continued but did not. At this point, I have trigger happy fingers.

If it does not move above 39.36 (12/16 closed) on Monday, then you have to wonder.

If you have been reading my posts, I have a very bad habbit of selling too soon. Good Luck!

barkingdognyc said...


me too, that's why I held on

Unknown said...


SNDK looking weak this morning.

Watch the 38 level.

barkingdognyc said...

fingers are crossed, looks like I skirted 38 by one cent. having fun with Einstein's puzzle, probably answer has nothing to do with all the info....

Unknown said...


The info leads to the answer.