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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Top 5 Guaranteed Ways To Lose Your Money Investing

Go read the article.

4 comments: said...

I’m short RIG ...plan to buy calls at 122...
I’m short TSO,FTO,VLO gasoline stocks..but on Friday if they are still down...i’m backing the truck in and buying calls...
I’m short QQQQ and INTC and will add SMH PUT at 33.5
I’m short and long USO...but i’ll probably only go long starting FRIDAY....
And i’m SHORT TSL...but i already posted that....
and i feel sorry for anyone holding long positions when fri..job numbers come out....
qqqq will be back down to 50.3...
that's quite a bit of downturn...
i think it's very possible that will be the market reaction.....
INTC chart...sure called a short term market top...did you see the chart?

i see qqqq at 50.3 on means it's time to BUY and HOLD QQQQ until it hits $60....

those numbers you sent me on the SPY..last night...look like SPY will reach a new high in DEC...just not as much of a new i first thought...
but may / june is looking like 1700 or even 1750...
then crash 20% to 30%
cause the Q2 and Q3 2008 SPY numbers show recession....

barkingdognyc said...

hope 4/8/21 works, as soon as I bought SNDK calls the price dropped, also if I read things right STV broke through today too...

barkingdognyc said...
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barkingdognyc said...

Never mind, I went back and reread marlyns post so STV is a no... :(