"Based upon historical market patterns, the current commodity bull run could last until 2014 - 2022, offsetting the bear market during the 1980s and 1990s."
- Commodity expert, Jim Rogers
London (Dow Jones) December 12, 2006
Dec. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Jim Rogers has three pearls of investment wisdom to pitch: ``Get out of the dollar, teach your children Chinese, and buy commodities.''
I sure do like the TWM....first time i ever heard of it...
If you pull up a chart on IWM you will see 79 and 80 = fib lines and 100 and 200 day...i mean its a plethora of short sell signals....i’ve never seen this many come together at one time...so i am definitely buying TWM at 66= 200 DAY..Another strong signal....wow!!!
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