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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays

Wishing you Happiness, Wealth, Longevity!

8 comments: said...

Yep that’s right, i stole / ripped off / plagerized, your IWM weekly analysis and put it on my blog and claimed I found it and You (F8) had nothing to do with it...
Now all my readers will think I am the genius, and you were just in the background...
Isn’t that just the most horrible thing that’s ever happened to you...
Merry X-mas..
So thanks for the IWM weekly BB13...
i just couldn’t figure out a way to show IWM going to 84, until you came along...

Unknown said...


You keep on cracking me up.

We complement each other pretty well.

I just need to grow some hair to start trading options.

lisa said...


are you chinese?

Unknown said...

Chinese descendant, Vietnamese by blood. My wife is Chinese.

lisa said...

Can you speak and read Chinese?

Unknown said...


no, do you?

lisa said...

No, I speak french.

Unknown said...

now that is hot!