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Thursday, December 6, 2007


fortune8 said...
BUY STP@74.50 or less.
December 6, 2007 3:45 PM

Here is someone who added STP today as well. TraderMark is very thorough with his analysis.

2 comments: said...

i like the new MA's
i use a similar version....
i doubt STP gets to 108....
but i think $90 / 95 is do-able...
the analysts keep raising the EPS 7% each month....
so target price has to be calculated using calculus...
i guess the guy at alpha finally got wise to that trick...
so he went to $108... said...

i forgot to post at beannies
i also bought the q's dec 51 calls....
i figure qqqq gets to at least 55 before they expire.....
and any dips (if any)...i can keep accumulating.....
so target price on 51 calls is $350 / $400 minimum...